South Florida’s Trifecta: Summer Rain, Yard Pests, and Mulch

Jenkins Landscape has always been deeply connected to the 9 Principals of Florida-Friendly Landscaping™ as defined by the University of Florida | IFAS Extension:

Right plant, right place
Water efficiently
Fertilize appropriately
Attract wildlife
Manage yard pests responsibly
Recycle yard waste
Reduce stormwater runoff
Protect the waterfront

South Florida’s sandy soil and torrential summer rainstorms require a measured approach to landscape design. We prioritize native Florida plants that adapt well to specific locations to balance the even distribution of sunlight, soil, and water. When we install an irrigation system, we prioritize water conservation to make sure that plant fertilizers will not flow into ponds, lakes or other bodies of water. We also employ smart fertilization that won’t damage plants or the environment.

The job of mulch is to retain moisture in the soil and prevent weeds, and also give the landscape an orderly, neat look. Adding mulch just before a major rainfall can cause some of that mulch to run off or in high winds, blow away. In south Florida, that’s why we may recommend stone-lined paths or brooks that guide rainwater away from turf and toward proper drainage systems.

South Florida’s rainy season also brings on the yard pests…all sorts of critters, some good (like butterflies) and some not good (like grub worms, mole crickets, and chinch bugs). Did you know that Florida-Friendly Landscaping offers a free Mobile App so anyone can identify common landscape pests?

Our design philosophy is… Design Innovation Meets Sustainable Landscapes. When stormwater is an issue, we contract with landscape architects that are licensed by the state of Florida to design walkways, walls, softscapes, swales, and other systems that use natural depressions and rocks to slow water flow, prevent flooding, and protect a landscape investment. Please call us if your landscape needs the “right plant in the right place” to sustain efficient movement of water.

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